Last week Shauna left us all on our own, while she played away in sunny California. Oh, sure she left specific type written instructions and a video for each day, but for the misfit 6 a.m. class it was still chaos. Monday started out innocently enough, with the class arriving about the same time, sitting in their cars waiting for someone to make the first move. It was dark though, and cold, and oh so early. After a few minutes of waiting, friendly waves were exchanged and the train of cars followed each other as quietly out of the driveway, as they had come in.
Tuesday was somewhat of an improvement. We made it inside, got the list, and then realizing we had our lovely yoga instructor in our midst, begged her to forgo the Bosu, for some yoga. It was so warm and limbering and wonderful. We left relaxed and happy, and with a new resolve to hit our legs hard the next morning.
Wednesday morning. We got our equipment out, then attempted to start the video. It started midway through the workout and we didn't have the energy or intelligence to figure out what we did wrong. That's when the list of exercises was handed to Texee and she attempted to guide, Nance and myself through a "leg day." We talked a lot, and laughed a lot, and when Tex would say, " Well it looks like we have suicides next." Nance or myself would say, "Nah, skip to the next one." We finished the hour long work out in just under 25 minutes, so we did a little ad libbing with Survivor challenges, like who can do the most Mason Twists with a bar, (me), and who can do side leg lifts the longest, (Tex) and a whole lotta stretching. We left relaxed, and happy and with a whole new resolve to hit the bosu hard the next morning.
Thursday.........Yoga again, pure bliss.
There is a reason Shauna is our fearless and fear-instilling leader. She gets results, and although we leave sore, and sweaty and borderline incapacitated, we are happy and have a resolve to hit it hard the next day.
We are glad she is back.